Joseph Anthony C. Hermocilla Articles

Dependability in Edge Computing

This article [BAGCHI2019] addresses three challenges related to the dependability of edge computing namely: How should failures be handled? How should security and privacy issues be addressed? How should multi-tenancy be addressed in resource-constrained edge devices? Edge computing attempts to improve the performance of software applications by placing computing resources …

Fuzzing: Hack, Art, and Science

A program usually accepts input, performs operations on the input, and produces output. Incorrect processing of input can lead to security vulnerabilities, such as buffer overflow. Depending on the input, the program may not perform the desired operation. An attacker can craft a specialized input that exploits the vulnerability to …

Lock–Unlock: Is That All? A Pragmatic Analysis of Locking in Software Systems

Most processors nowadays are multi-core processors to take advantage of parallel processing. Associated with parallel processing is the synchronization problem wherein locks are extensively used. This paper [GUERRAOUI2019] argues that despite the large amount of available choices for lock algorithms, developers do not have a comprehensive guide to select an …